Tuesday, May 5, 2009

4 month stats

She is still our ity-bity -- but at least she is on the charts :)

24 in (41.6%) -- at 2 months she was in the 8.09%
10lbs13oz (1.52%)

She is pretty long and lean. I am doing my best to pump her full of cream, hopefully starting her on solids will plump up her little rolls. She may be little but her weight gain is consistent and her doctor says she is as healthy as can be.

First giggles

I have been trying to get a better video of Ellie's giggles, but no luck. She is still pretty stingey with them.

Project Cutains: check

  • Bought the fabric 16 months ago
  • Started sewing them together 4 months ago (the day before Ellie was born. I thought it would be the perfect project to do while we waited, ha).
  • And although they are a testament of my imperfection and impatience (none of them hang quite straight and they are all slightly different lengths) they definitely are an improvement from the bare windows.
  • I am satisfied.

In case you were curious . . .

I've had a few people ask or comment on Ellie's 'strawberry kiss' on her right cheek. It appeared when she was about 3 weeks old. It is called an hemangioma -- I had never heard or seen (at least noticed) these before. Apparently it is most common in girls and/or preemies. It is a bunch of capillary-like cells just under the skin. At about 12 months it will begin to fade and should be completely gone at 2 years (sometimes it takes longer).