Saturday, February 25, 2012

One (and then some)

My boy, bubba, my little man is one.
His total tooth count at one is 8. He is a little lover. His most sincere and endearing show of affection comes when he lovingly clamps his little choppers on my shoulder. I should probably be more firm with this to let him know this is not the most appropriate way to express love. But the way he does it is just so sweet. It only hurts when he is feeling mischievous. A sneaky laugh usually preludes his intentions to bite hard, so usually it is easy to stop him before any damage or pain is done. I just know I am doing his future girlfriends no favors by thinking this is cute.
He is walking like the mad toddler he is. Brian described his gate by noticing that if he were to walk into a glass door bare chested, all that would show would be his belly print. I love this stage. He never really played the "come to mama" game. He just decided he wanted to walk and got to it. He loves to be chased. I love watching his whole body tense up, his shoulders shrugging up to his ears and his fists in his mouth as he giggles furiously and tries to get away.
He is very much a social creature. In any crowd he is aware of conversation levels and matches the volume in his own jabber. This is especially charming in Sunday School. If the crowd laughs he will throw his head back and join in. He cheers after any musical number, even elevator music. He works any crowd for attention (and usually gets it). He has learned what faces to pull to get the best reaction.

Henry's first word was "Hi." Once he figured out how to use it, he did so prolifically. Many words soon followed, although most of them are just variations of "Hi" or "Hi-eeee" For example, whenever Annie comes into the room he'll say "Hi Ah-eee." Ellie is just "Ah-eee" or "Ah-eeee, eh awww oooo" (Ellie, where are you). He learned ASL for "more." I am pretty slack at teaching the proper use, so really to him it means "I want that."

I love how much he likes to laugh. It is so easy to get him red-faced giggling. He is such a happy, sweet little boy. I can't get enough of his Charlie Brown noggin'.