Friday, June 5, 2009

Horner Time

A very fun and busy month.
Memorial Day weekend was my Horner family reunion.

You would think after spending two days with this many kids, coordinating meals, gathering everyone together for activities, and trying to keep things somewhat orderly that the adults would be exhausted by the end (maybe Doug and Michelle are, thanks for hosting:). But after spending days like these with my siblings, despite the late nights, I feel so refreshed and motivated. I am always amazed and impressed with my siblings, old and young, and their spouses (if applicable). Cream of the crop I tell you.

The minute we pull up the kids start scrambling like ants with excitement, announcing our arrival. I am feeling so loved. The children love me, they really love me. I open the car door and hear the excited chorus of "Annie is here, Annie is here!" Oh well, I'm glad one of us is adored. Annie did get alot of attention and although she may not have loved it, she endured it.

There was lots of visiting

The all important and serious paper airplane contest
Candy bombing
A little goofy-ness
And just plain fun.

1 comment:

jolley time said...

Your pics are great! it looks like you guys had a fun time. Your baby is a cutie I am glad your doing good